(order now) A card with photos on it as well as your stats and contact info that is submitted for consideration when casting projects or gigs. The importance of comp cards cannot be overemphasized. If you are serious about being a model, you definitely need comp cards. Some models make the mistake of thinking that since they have a lot of pictures on CD, they may not need a comp card. This is wrong. This card is the equivalent of your identity card in the real world. Some people refer to them as “Z” cards or “ZED” cards although this is wrong. “Z” cards are similar to compcards except that it is shorter that a comp card and folded into three sections. When looked at from above, it looks like the letter “Z” or “ZED” as it is pronounced in England where this card originated, hence the name “Z” cards. When taking pictures for a comp card, it is important that you capture many looks of you as this shows the director or whoever is casting for the gig that you are versatile i.e. glamour, casual, fashion, and any other kind of photography that you are available for. Normally comp cards have a nice headshot of you on one side and either 3 or 4 pictures of you in the back with all your stats and info. Comp cards production is one of our specialties at PHAZE II MULTIMEDIA. If we have worked with you before, then we can use your images on file to build you high quality comps. You can also send in your pictures to us through e- mail and we can do the same. Our turn around time is the best around and our prices are very competitive. Please bear in mind that our prices already include free retouching and color correction to ensure that your cards are of superior print quality. We just DON’T slam your images on an 8x 5 color paper and ship it out like most big companies do. Our guys at the comp card department have a vast knowledge of digital imaging and their design skills are second to none. This could be the difference in your comps making it to the director’s table or the shredder. To order comp cards now, click here. |